Iakwé:iahre [we remember]
October 16 – 18, 2014
Concordia University, Montreal
The Iakwé:iahre Colloquium is presented by the Aboriginal Curatorial Collective / Collectif des Conservateurs autochtones (ACC/CCA) on the traditional territory of the Kanien’kehá:ka in Montréal, Quebec from October 16-18, 2014. It focuses on an active and collaborative act of remembering as applied to the contemporary idea of an archive from an Indigenous perspective. “We remember” in culturally specific ways of knowing based in orality and continuum of time. “We remember” this process as a living and dynamic form of communication. The Iakwé:iahre Colloquium brings together curators and artists to listen, share and discuss the creation of an Aboriginal Art Living Archive, so that we all may remember.
The Iakwé:iahre Colloquium is the sixth in an ongoing series of colloquia presented by the ACC/CCA, and the first to take place in the province of Québec. The colloquium will bring together French and English-speaking Aboriginal curators, artists, arts writers and researchers of all levels. In order to enable a forum for critical exchange and help bridge the linguistic divide, services in French and English, including simultaneous interpretation, will be available.
All are invited to attend the Iakwé:iahre Colloquium. The majority of the event will take place at Concordia University in downtown Montreal, with adjunct programming taking place at the McCord Museum. All colloquium participants will benefit from the engaging panel presentations and group discussions, as well as opportunities to visit a number of exhibitions throughout the city featuring the work of Aboriginal artists and curators.
We would like to thank our funders and partners for supporting this event (more to follow): Department of Art History, Concordia University;la Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec; le Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ);The Canada Council for the Arts; The Office of the Vice-President, Research and Graduate Studies (OVPRGS) Aid to Research Related Events (AARE); The McCord Museum; Terres en Vues.

Clayton Windatt in “Crow” outfit from Aanmitaagzi’s “Dances of Resistance” at the Premier Award for Excellence in the Arts with the Honourable Michael Coteau; Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport. Minister responsible for Pan/Parapan American Games.
Indigenous Perspective in studying art and art history
Concordia University EV 1.615
This panel will be an informal roundtable conversation between the panelists. We have invited current Indigenous students and emerging Indigenous curators to take part in a discussion that addresses the question of studying Aboriginal art history today.
PANELISTS: Wahsantiio Cross, WhiteFeather Hunter, Michelle Paquette, Erin Sutherland
Moderator: Clayton Windatt
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