REBEL photo, grants article…

Istvan Kantor lighting things on fire as part of his REBEL performance at White Water Gallery

Istvan Kantor lighting things on fire as part of his REBEL performance at White Water Gallery

When it rains it pours. Have you ever noticed that when you get busy it leads to being way more buy or that when good things start to happen, they always lead to a bunch of other good stuff taking place? The arts world is no different in the way that sunshine and rain happen all the time and arts, culture and heritage in the Nipissing District are not weather proof. What am I talking about with the weather metaphors? I am talking about money coming into our community and how a lot of approval letters have landed on my doorstep recently.

It is commonplace for an artist or arts administrator to apply for funding on an ongoing basis so that if an application is turned down, they have another application pending that may be approved. Usually these applications are for different actives or at least different components of the same activity, as government does not want duplication of requests. Working with local arts groups and as an independent artist/curator means that I am applying for grants for local groups and for myself at the same time to ensure that not only are the groups able to get enough funding to operate but that I am able to conduct my own projects. I apply often to a variety of government sectors to attempt to ensure that partial funding is always achieved.

I recently received notification that I have been personally approved for two grants from the Ontario Arts Council. My Aboriginal Artist in the Community grant was approved which allows me to conduct a series of community arts events in Sturgeon Falls and around the Nipissing area as well as a Chalmers Fellowship allowing me to do curatorial research throughout Northern Ontario. This was a great surprise as I never expect to receive the projects after applying but always hope. I now have a lot of work ahead of me and its a great feeling! Then the White Water Gallery just got approval for $15,000 from the Canada Council for the Arts for their involvement in Ice Follies next month. This is wonderful news as great things will be taking place. Funding is one thing but now I have to get this work done and meet the expectations of the projects I have set forth. Wish me Luck and good weather as many of the plans I have in place involve being outside…

For more information on granting programs from the Ontario Arts Council please visit their website at: and for information on the Canada Council for the arts and their programs go to:

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